Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Welsh Griddle Cakes

These little cakes make a lovely snack with a cup of tea. Both my children loved them. My older child loved them so much that they were the first thing he made all my himself. I saved the original recipe from a very old issue of Sunset Magazine. It was at least 30 years ago. Over time, I tweaked the recipe a bit to make it a little less sweet and dropped the salted butter/margarine for unsalted butter. Sunset suggested serving them with butter and jam but I like them plain.

1/3 cup sugar

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

6 tablespoons unsalted butter cut into small pieces

1/2 cup raisons or currants

1 large egg white

2 tablespoons milk

Mix the dry ingredients. Add the butter and then rub it with your fingers until you have fine crumbs. Add the raisins, egg white, and the milk. Stir just until the dough holds together. Roll the dough until it is 14" thick on a lightly floured surface. Cut the dough into rounds using a 2 1/2" cookie cutter. Roll the scraps and cut more griddle cakes. Cook on a griddle set at 350º or use a well seasoned cast iron skillet over medium heat placing the cakes slightly apart. Cook untie the bottoms are medium brown, about 3 or 4 minutes. Turn the cakes with a spatula and cook about another 3 minutes, until the other side is medium brown.
Makes about 10 griddle cakes

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